Kim Fahle Peck

Writing Coach

Kim Fahle Peck has a Ph.D in English from Old Dominion University and an MA in English from the University of Delaware. She is a Writing Center Director, and her research focuses on writing center pedagogy and practice as well as online writing instruction and tutoring. She has experience with qualitative, linguistic, and digital research methods. As a co-editor for the journal Young Scholars in Writing, she mentors and supports undergraduate researchers in writing studies. At her institution, Kim helps lead several writing groups for students, staff, and faculty focused on both creative and academic writing.


Languages: English

Why I Love Coaching

As a coach, I can work with writers at any stage or any part of the writing process, but my favorite things to work on with writers are organization and structure. I love helping writers think about all the pieces of their project and how they can fit together and be presented in a clear and logical way, especially for larger projects where these big picture considerations can be hard to grapple with. I also love working with writers on developing effective writing strategies and habits that fit into the context of their real lives instead of an imagined ideal academic life.

Selected Publications

Cope, Emily Murphy, Peck, Kim Fahle, Johnson, Kristine and Shurli Makmillen. “Research Methods: Designing Methods Instruction and Experiences that Invite Undergraduates into the Field.” Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies, Eds. Dominic DelliCarpini, Jenn Fishman, and Jane Greer, Parlor, 2020.

Peck, Kim Fahle, Tyson, Lisa, Gomez, Amanda and Steffani Dambruch. “Professional Tutors, Shifting Identities: Narratives from the Center.” Re-defining Roles: The Professional, Faculty, and Graduate Consultant’s Guide to Writing Centers, Eds. Megan Jewell and Joseph Cheatle. Utah State University Press, 2021

Peck, Kim Fahle. “‘Anyone? Anyone?’: Promoting Inter-Learner Dialogue in Synchronous Video Courses.” Computers and Composition., vol. 62, Dec. 2021

Kim Fahle Peck

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